
澳门线上博彩官网有许多学生组织和活动供学生参加. 积极参与学生组织或活动通常会带来个人和职业发展,并可能建立持久的友谊. Student activities are also a place to have fun.


  • Student Professional Organizations: ASRO, ASNA, SOTA, SPTA
  • 其他学生组织: NCF, 学生大使
  • 荣誉学会: Pi Kappa Chapter of Sigma Theta Tau Nursing 荣誉学会
  • 其他机会:后备军官训练团项目,学院委员会学生代表

Student Professional Organizations

Allen Student Radiography Organization


  • All current ASR students are members of the ASRO. 
  • 没有年费.
  • ASRO plans and participates in fundraising and community service activities.
  • ASRO还参与了推广澳门线上博彩官网和ASR项目的活动. 

Officers are elected annually to a one-year term beginning summer semester.  

  • 总统 - Schedules and conducts meetings; presents student body concerns to administration, 登记管理, and/or program director/dean as appropriate. The president is invited to attend the ASR advisory committee meeting.
  • 副总统 - Lends organizational assistance to the president; coordinates all committee work; assumes the duties of the president in his/her absence.
  • 秘书 - Records minutes of all student meetings; conducts correspondence; facilitates communication to members via bulletin board or other means.
  • 类的代表 - Each class has representatives who serve on the ASRO. 代表负责组织和学生团体之间的沟通.

不 Bishop (319) 226-2032 | 不.Bishop@85500171.com

Allen Student Nurses Association

The Allen Student Nurses' Association (ASNA) is a local chapter of the Iowa Association of Nursing Students (IANS); IANS is a constituent of the National Student Nurses' Association (NSNA).

  • Annual dues include membership in all three organizations.
  • Business meetings are held monthly.
  • Programs are offered to enhance professional growth and career development.
  • Benefits of ASNA membership include leadership development, 职业咨询, professional skill enhancement, 并与当地其他实习护士建立网络关系, 状态, 国家层面.

阿丽莎挤 Engel (319) 226-2083 | 阿丽莎挤.Engel@85500171.com
阿什利 Ollendieck (319) 226-2041 | 阿什利.Ollendieck@85500171.com

National Student Nurses' Association (NSNA)

NSNA is the only national organization for students of nursing. 全国学生护士协会的宗旨是“帮助学生个人的发展,并鼓励学生学习护理。, as future health care professionals, to be aware of and to contribute to improving the health care of all people.“缴纳年费并参与艾伦学生护士协会(ASNA)的学生自动成为NSNA的成员,享有NSNA的权利和责任.


Student Occupational Therapy Association
澳门线上博彩官网学生职业治疗协会(SOTA)是一个以学生为主导的组织,旨在支持澳门线上博彩官网职业治疗专业学生的专业成长, 通过参与专业活动,提高他们对专业的认识和理解, 教育, 以及社区活动.
Student Physical Therapy Association

澳门网上博彩下载生物理治疗协会(SPTA)的使命是在DPT项目中培养领导能力的同时,参与多样化的学习, engagement in 社区 and commitment to lifelong learning.

  • All current PT students are members of the SPTA.
  • SPTA meets annually and as needed.

黎明 Osborne (310) 226-2564 | 黎明.Osborne@85500171.com



NCF是一个跨宗派组织,向澳门线上博彩官网的护理专业学生开放. 成员花时间彼此分享和接受精神上的鼓励在他们的人生旅程. 

使命: NCF的使命是鼓励护理学生和教师,装备,授权:

  • Encouraged to grow in faith in the context of nursing school
  • 透过圣经学习和属灵护理资源,使信心与护理相结合
  • Empowered to share your faith with other nursing students and faculty

会议安排: 2024年春季

  • 2月7日星期三下午6点至8点.m.
  • 3月6日星期三下午6点至8点.m.
  • 4月8日星期一下午6点至8点.m.


当前研究系列: Nursing with Strength that Endures

在脸谱网上加入澳门线上博彩官网: 澳门网上博彩下载 Nurses Christian Fellowship

指导老师: 联系 苏珊 Gettman for more details or questions.
苏珊.Gettman@85500171.com | (319) 240-4655

澳门线上博彩官网的学生大使是一群精选的学生,致力于推广学院. 大使代表澳门线上博彩官网向未来的学生和他们的家庭, 还有校友, 社区, 还有其他观众. 作为整个市场营销和招聘工作的重要组成部分, 学生大使 are vital to the success of 澳门网上博彩下载.
  • Positively represent 澳门网上博彩下载
  • Assist the 招生 office in the recruitment process
  • Act as an ambassador to visitors of the College at various events
  • 参加必要的会议
  • Complete the required hours of service each semester
  • Foster student engagement through on campus student activities
  • Respond in a timely manner to group emails and requests
  • Be in good academic and financial standing with the College
  • Complete Heart of a Leader training
  • Enthusiastic and positive attitude
  • Strong work ethic to perform assigned tasks
  • An ability to start conversations with alumni and prospective students
  • A genuine desire to help 澳门网上博彩下载 remain successful
  • 最少3人.0的绩点
  • Completion of at least one semester at 澳门网上博彩下载
  • To serve and give back to 澳门网上博彩下载
  • Sharpen communication and public speaking skills
  • Meet and network with alumni, current students, and future students
  • Build your resume and gain leadership experience

莎娜.Pikora@85500171.com | (319) 226-2007

莫妮卡.Berning@85500171.com | (319) 226-2008

应用程序s are accepted each fall and spring semester. 联系莎娜·皮科拉 to learn more.




Pi Kappa Chapter of Sigma Theta Tau

Sigma Theta Tau International, 护理荣誉学会, 致力于通过增加护理实践的科学基础来改善全世界人民的健康.

  • More than 405,000 members have been inducted worldwide.
  • The honor society has more than 130,000 active members.
  • Members reside in 86 countries.
  • 46% of active members hold master's and/or doctoral degrees; 26% are staff nurse/clinicians; 21% are nurse practitioners, 护士助产士, nurse anesthetists or clinical specialists; 18% are administrators or supervisors; and 22% are educators or researchers.
  • There are 469 chapters on college campuses in Australia, 博茨瓦纳, 巴西, 加拿大, 哥伦比亚, 加纳, 香港, 日本, 肯尼亚, 马拉维, 墨西哥, 荷兰, 巴基斯坦, 新加坡, 南非, 韩国, 斯威士兰, 瑞典, 台湾, 坦桑尼亚, 威尔士, the United Kingdom and the United States.

克里斯汀.Jasper2@85500171.com | (319) 226-2095



北爱荷华大学的军事科学系管理着陆军预备役军官训练团(ROTC)项目. This program is available to 澳门网上博彩下载 nursing students.

  • ROTC提供包含军事科学基本概念和原理的课程. Classes emphasize individual and small group leadership development, 道德, 诚信与责任.
  • 参加该计划的护理学生有机会获得宝贵的, 大学三年级毕业后,在为期六周的领导力训练营中与陆军护士进行实践体验.
  • 学生可申请二-, 三年和四年的ROTC奖学金,支付全部或部分学费和费用.
  • 另外, 签约学生/学员获得每年的学费津贴和每年的书本费津贴. 

奖学金 以学术成绩为基础,获奖者从澳门线上博彩官网毕业后要承担军事义务. 该项目通常为期四年,通常会获得美国陆军少尉的任命. 然而,如果学生符合条件,他们可以在大三的时候进入这个项目. 除非你是奖学金获得者,否则在后备军官训练队三年级开始之前没有军事义务. 

Dr. 坎德拉Williams-Perez

更多信息: 联系 坎德拉.Williams-Perez@85500171.com or (319) 226-2044

Student Representation on College Committees

学生代表是澳门线上博彩官网招生委员会的成员, 课程, 评价与研究, community service and diversity and inclusion.

  • 当这些重要的委员会处理和讨论澳门线上博彩官网社区的各个方面时,学生们被邀请以学生的视角参与进来.
  • This commitment includes attendance at scheduled meetings.

莎娜.Pikora@85500171.com | (319) 226-2007

Interested in being a student representative on a committee? 联系莎娜·皮科拉. 